NEO Camp: NEO Blockchain Hackathon; 27.–28.10.2018 in Berlin

NEO Camp: NEO Blockchain Hackathon; 27.–28.10.2018, Berlin

NEO Camp is a 2-day hacka­thon whe­re 100 selec­ted par­ti­ci­pants will work toge­ther to build the next gene­ra­ti­on of block­chain tech­no­lo­gy. The focus of this hacka­thon is NEO, a plat­form desi­gned to build scalab­le net­works of decen­tra­li­zed app­li­ca­ti­ons. The NEO eco­sys­tem is much more than just a cryp­to­cur­r­en­cy. It reli­es on the NEP5 smart token frame­work, which pro­vi­des a stan­dar­di­zed work­flow for app­li­ca­ti­on deve­lop­ment. The block­chain has evol­ved con­s­i­der­ab­ly sin­ce the publi­ca­ti­on of the Bit­coin white­pa­per in 2008. Having star­ted as a sys­tem for record­ing cryp­to­cur­r­en­cy tran­sac­tions, it has beco­me a com­pre­hen­si­ve frame­work for mana­ging data. I’m still thin­king of par­ti­ci­pa­ting in this event becau­se I’ve alre­ady had three events this year. But NEO is a qui­te inte­res­ting plat­form and I’ve met one memeber of the board of direc­to­ries at the Hyper­led­ger Hacka­ton in Munich.

To get some more infor­ma­ti­on take a look at the trai­ler here.