SEB & NASDAQ Test Blockchain

SEB and Nasdaq to Build Block­chain for Swe­dish Fund Mar­ket

On Sep­tem­ber 27, the Nor­dic finan­ci­al ser­vices group SEB toge­ther with Nasdaq announ­ced a joint pro­ject to test a deve­lo­ped pro­to­ty­pe for a mutu­al fund tra­ding plat­form based on block­chain tech­no­lo­gy. The aim: to increa­se effi­ci­en­cy in the pro­ces­sing of sub­scrip­ti­on and redemp­ti­ons of fund units and to crea­te a unit led­ger, an area which today is lar­ge­ly cha­rac­te­ri­zed by manu­al rou­ti­nes, long sett­le­ment cycles and paper dri­ven pro­ces­ses.

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