Ich haber einen sehr schönen Blogbeitrag bei “blog.chain.com” gefunden, der an Jamie Dimon (JP Morgan Chase) gerichtet ist und ihm die Welt der Cryptocurrencies erläutert. Es ist ein Brief mit jeder Menge an Know-how und somit für jeden geeignet, der sich ausführlich mit dem Phänomen Bitcoin udglm. beschäftigen will. Adam macht deutlich, wie der Bitcoin entstanden ist und welche Möglichkeiten sich in nahezu allen Wirtschaftsbereichen aus seiner Existenz ergeben. Ludwin definiert Bitcoin letztlich als: Neue Asset-Klasse für dezentrale Applikationen/Anwendungen. Klingt zunächst mal wenig sexy, hat aber seinen Charme, wenn man das Gesamtkonzept hinter Cryptocurrencies versteht, so wie es Satoshi Nakamoto dereinst im November 2008 formuliert hat
“.… It’s easy to believe cryptocurrencies have no inherent value. Or that governments will crush them. It’s also becoming fashionable to believe the opposite: that they will disrupt banks, governments, and Silicon Valley giants once and for all. Neither extreme is true.
The reality is nuanced and important. Which is why I’ve decided to write you this briefing note. I hope it helps you appreciate cryptocurrencies more deeply.
Let me start by stating that I believe:
The market for cryptocurrencies is overheated and irrationally exuberant
There are a lot of poseurs creating them, and some scammers, too
There are a lot of conflicts of interest, self-serving hype, and obfuscation
Very few people in the media understand what’s going on
Very few people in finance understand what’s going on
Very few people in technology understand what’s going on
Very few people in academia or government understand what’s going on
Very few people buying cryptocurrencies understand what’s going on
It’s very possible I don’t understand what’s going on
Banks and governments aren’t going away
Traditional software isn’t going away
In short: there’s a lot of noise. But there is also signal. To find it, we need to start by defining cryptocurrency. Without a working definition we are lost. Most people arguing about cryptocurrencies are talking past each other because they don’t stop to ask the other side what they think cryptocurrencies are for.
Here’s my definition: cryptocurrencies are a new asset class that enable decentralized applications.