Robots Are Coming for These Wall Street Jobs

Tra­ders, pre­pa­re to adapt – Wall Street is ent­e­ring a new era. The fra­ter­ni­ty of bond jockeys, deri­va­ti­ves mavens and stock pickers who’ve long per­so­ni­fied the indus­try are giving way to algo­rithms, and soon, arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence.

Banks and invest­ment funds have been tin­ke­ring for years, prompt­ing anxie­ty for employees. Now, firms are rol­ling out machi­ne-learning soft­ware to sug­gest bets, set pri­ces and craft hedges. The tools will relie­ve staff of rou­ti­ne tasks and offer an edge to tho­se who stay. But one day, machi­nes may not need much help. It’s no won­der most of the jobs Gold­man Sachs Group Inc.‘s secu­ri­ties busi­ness posted online in recent mon­ths were for tech talent. Bil­lionaire tra­der Ste­ven Cohen is expe­ri­men­ting with auto­ma­ting his top money mana­gers. Ven­ture capi­ta­list Marc And­rees­sen has said 100,000 finan­ci­al workers aren’t nee­ded to keep money flo­wing.

Und JUVE geht im Inter­view mit Flo­ri­an Glatz (Soft­ware-Ent­wick­ler wer­den den Trans­ak­ti­ons­an­walt erset­zen) davon aus, das Juris­ten ohne IT-Kennt­nis­se von Pro­gram­mie­rern ersetzt wer­den, da die­se wís­sen, wie Smart Con­tracts kon­stru­iert und pro­gram­miert wer­den müs­sen.