Erster Bankdeal über 100.000 € auf DLT

A group of Ger­man banks working with the R3 block­chain con­sor­ti­um has suc­cess­ful­ly repli­ca­ted the sale of a €100,000 secu­ri­ty on a dis­tri­bu­t­ed led­ger plat­form.

Announ­ced yes­ter­day, Com­merz­bank, KfW Ban­king and MEAG all took part in the effort, desi­gned to test an exten­si­on of R3’s Cor­da plat­form. Accord­ing to the com­pa­nies invol­ved, the tri­al ser­ved to show how a money mar­ket instru­ment, tra­ded using dis­tri­bu­t­ed led­ger tech­no­lo­gy (DLT), could take place with fewer inter­me­dia­ries and in a shorter time­frame.

Built using an add-on to R3’s Cor­da plat­form – which was first unvei­led last year – the tech­no­lo­gy is said to have made the tra­de trans­pa­rent through real-time visua­li­za­ti­on. The com­bi­ned effects, the release sta­tes, pro­vi­ded an examp­le of the effi­ci­en­cy gains that secu­ri­ties mar­ket par­ti­ci­pants could gain from the use of DLT.

A same day value date can redu­ce sett­le­ment risk, thus pro­vi­ding reli­ef in terms of capi­tal. As money-mar­ket instru­ments are usual­ly tra­ded in high volu­mes, a mar­ked reduc­tion in capi­tal and liqui­di­ty costs can be expec­ted,” the firms said.

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